Ascent Lunar L1

In this bootcamp, you will join an advanced Reach cohort and become a pro Web3 Dev in 8 fast-paced weeks.
Who should join? Web2 developers who are looking to make the transition to Web3 or existing Web3 developers who want to rapidly shorten their DApps time to market. Reach mirrors JavaScript syntax and enables you to focus on business logic and compile to any protocol without a code change.
Explore our program's syllabus!
Week 2: Bets & Wagers, Trust & Commitments
Learn live with our Dev Experience Developers.
Join Nick Stanford and get all your questions solved during our office hours.
Learn the basics of dealing with network tokens in Reach and how we create trust in Blockchain programs.
Hilary Ogbodo
Issa Kalonji
Joseph Iferi-Ebin
Julius Kariuki, Collins Biegon
Mary Kambo
Medupi Ramaboea
Melvin A.
Merdi Kim
Musawenkosi Ndlela, Kamvalihle,
Odwa, Okuhle
Paul Ogwulumba
Prince Charles-Amachree
Sive Sandla
Suraya Ngobeni
Timothy Ogwulumba, Praise Anosike
Victoria Ejumegu
Zaden Mubarak
Week 3: Timeouts & Participation, Play & Play Again
Learn live with our Dev Experience Developers.
Join Nick Stanford and get all your questions solved during our office hours.
Week 4: Interaction & Independence
Learn live with our Dev Experience Developers.
Join Nick Stanford and get all your questions solved during our office hours.
Make your program interactive, learn React dev tools and deploying to TestNet.
Week 5-8: Independent Web3 Project
Join Nick Stanford and get all your questions solved during our office hours.
Now it gets interesting! Build your own Reach DApp, launch it on the TestNet and earn extra rewards for your effort. What will you build?
Bootcamp Result
Users have a deep understanding of the foundation of building secure DApps with Reach. They are accredited upon completion of the course allowing them to continue to Level 2 The Ascent Boot Camp.
October 2nd, 2022
$499 “staking fee”
Required to participate in bootcamp, returned upon completion of final project prompt.